Long conversation 1 (CD1)

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TOEFL Listening Practice (CD-ROM)

TOEFL Listening Practice (CD-ROM)

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Long conversation 1 (CD1)
W: I really enjoyed your recital, John. You did a great job!
M: Oh, thank you very much.
W: I can’t believe you thank so well, knowing that you had a cold a week. I have to say though, that you sounded a bit horse. Are you having a throat trouble?
M: Yes. I’ve been drinking tea with honey. Was it that noticeable?
W: Probably only to me. Anyway, I’d love the sound of your voice. Not too worry. The audience seemed really impressed by your singing.
M: Thanks for the vote of confidence. I was feeling a little self-conscious about my performance.
W: Well, audiences don’t give standing ovations for poor performances. I’d say you totally one them over (?).