Long conversation 5 (CD1)


W: Hi Tedd, how are you?
M: Hey Jozzy, I’m great. What’s up with you?
W: I just finished my final English literature exam, and I’m totally wiped out!
M: Oh woo! How did it go?
W: It was pretty grewing. We had to answer fifty multiple choice questions on all the major writers of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and write three short essays!
M: That’s the tough exam! Who is the professor?
W: Professor Montague.
M: Ohooo. I’ve heard she is interesting but a real fanatic about literature and stuff.
W: You can say that again! I have to take another class with her next semester for my major!
M: Woo, you must like reading or you never what you’ve chosen English.
W: True. I do love reading assignments. I just don’t like taking tests.

TOEFL Listening Practice (CD-ROM)